GEOSS conference
Interested in submitting to this conference?
- Abstracts (up to 2 pages) should be submitted in English, Ukrainian or Russian.
- File with an abstract should be submitted in DOC format by email to the organizing committee.
- Margins: top – 20 mm, bottom – 20 mm; outside – 30 mm, inside – 15 mm.
- Font: Times New Roman.
- Abstract should contain:
Title of the abstract – in 16 pt size, bold and centred, without hyphens, single line spacing, spacing before paragraph - 36 pt, after - 6 pt.
Authors of the abstract – surname, initials, affiliation, in 14 pt size, single line spacing, centred, left and right indentation – 10 mm, spacing after paragraph - 6 pt.
Text of the abstract – in 14 pt size, single line spacing, justified alignment, indentation for the first row 1,27 cm, automatic hyphen to lines.
Formulas – ordinary symbol in 14 pt size, large index- 12 pt, small index - 9 pt, line spacing - 150%. The editor of formulas MS equation 3.0 should be set up to specified parameters.
References – in 12 pt size, single line spacing, justified alignment, indentation for the first row 8 mm. The list of references should not exceed more than 5 entities and should be placed right after the text. Spacing before and after the paragraph has to be 6 pt.
Copyright Department of Space Information Technologies and Systems,Space Research Institute NASU-SSAU; adress: 40 Glushkov Ave,03680, Kiev 187, Ukraine; phone +380(44)5262553; E-mail: