Presentations and Authors

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Satellite agromonitoring

The effect of drained Stagnosols acidity on winter wheat grain yield PDF
Milan Mesic, Zeljka Zgorelec, Ivana Sestak, Aleksandra Percin, Igor Bogunovic, Luka Brezinscak

Disaster/hazard risk assessment and mapping

Wildfire prediction and monitoring in Ukraine on base of Copernicus Land service PDF
Viktor Valentinovich Putrenko, Nataliia Mykolaivna Pashynska
Systems for operative environment control of energy objects PDF
Mykhaylo Palamar, Volodymyr D. Pohrebennyk, Vasyl G. Petruk

Management and protection of ecosystems

Multispectral/Radar Data Fusion for Woodland Classification Improvement PDF
I.O. Piestova, S.A. Stankevich, M.M. Kharytonov, S.A. Sytnyk, V.M. Lovynska

Copyright Department of Space Information Technologies and Systems,Space Research Institute NASU-SSAU; adress: 40 Glushkov Ave,03680, Kiev 187, Ukraine; phone +380(44)5262553; E-mail: